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Dream interpretation reading using divination tools such as Oracle cards. I will also dive into some of the symbology of your dreams, depending on the amount of details provided in your dream description. The interpretation will be sent to you via email within 3- 5 working days.

Dream Interpretation

  • Within our waking life we process a multitude of information coming our way – visual, auditory, emotional. It is often difficult to find a quiet time to sit down and reflect on where our life is going, what we truly desire and what is our path. This is where dreams come in, in the quiet of the night when our left, logical brain is soundly sleeping, our creative, spiritual and imaginative side can be heard louder and our intuition can be accessed easier. Dreams are full of symbolism but can also help us sort and process our life experiences.

    Please note, that dreams are very subjective and everything that is included in them holds a meaning i.e. items, people, environment, colours, feelings etc. As this is an email interpretative reading, I won't be able to dive into too much details as this would require a face to face, real-time session. I will add descripion to some of the symbology (on 1 to 3 items) depending on the description of your dream and how much detail it includes.

  • *I reserve the right to cancel a reading/healing/course/workshop prior to delivery with a full refund. Upon purchase and delivery, no refunds can be requested. You are confirming your agreement to these Terms & Conditions, notice period and any costs incurred by continuing with your purchase.

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